
作曲者 村松 崇継
作詞者 Robert Priseman
データ作成日 2008.5.6
データサイズ 2.95 MB (Bit-rate:128kbps)
コメント 2006(H.18)年、NHK土曜ドラマ『氷壁』の主題歌で、Liberaさんのボーイソプラノが印象的な曲です。

  Where ever I go, Far away and any where

  Time after time you always shine

  through dark of night calling after me

  And where ever I climb, Far away and any where

  You raise me high beyond the sky

  through stormy night lifting me above

  Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus
  Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus
  Venite Spiritu Venite Spiritus

  Far away beyond the sky


  And where ever I climb, Far away and any where

  You raise me high beyond the sky

  through stormy night lifting me above

  Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus
  Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus
  Venite Spiritu Venite Spiritus

  Far away beyond the sky